To WELCOME our neighbor,

NURTURE the weary,

and raise DISCIPLES of   Jesus.


We aim to fulfill our vision by emphasizing three main missions as a church.


To build committed Holy Spirit filled followers of Christ by reaching, nurturing and discipling them


We reach those who do not know Jesus, share the good news of the Gospel with not just our words but our lives

4/14 Window Movement

PIF is deeply committed to discipling our children, and reaching all children from ages 4 and 14 through local and global missions movement of the 4/14 Window


Our values are rooted in our vision and mission.

These values not only help us to come together as a church but they shape and define us individually as members of PIF.

There are many things we value as Christians, but these are the core values that help us stay focused on our unique calling as PIF.

*Hover over graphics to learn more

Gospel Centered

The Gospel of Jesus is meant to be preached boldly, lived out radically, and experienced daily.

The Gospel of Jesus is meant to be preached boldly, lived out radically, and experienced daily.

Rooted in Scripture

The Scriptures are the words and truth revealed and given by God, and are without error.

The Scriptures are the words and truth revealed and given by God, and are without error.


We yearn to be led and empowered by the Holy Spirit in every area of our lives and ministries.

The holy Spirit is God, and that we are meant to live in relationship with Him.


We commit to trust, hope and rely on God beyond our own efforts and striving.

We commit to trust, hope and rely on God beyond our own efforts and striving.


We commit to one another with humility, gentleness, patience, and love.

We commit to one another with humility, gentleness, patience, and love.


We commit to share life, speak the truth in love to one another, and pursue Christ together.

We commit to share life, speak the truth in love to one another, and pursue Christ together.

Missions & Outreach

The love, grace and generosity we received from God is what we want to share with others.

God is missional and came to seek and save the lost and commands us to do the same.

Multi-Ethnic & Multi-Cultural

The church is a reflection of the Kingdom of God; which is bigger than one ethnicity or culture.

The church is a reflection of the Kingdom of God; which is bigger than one ethnicity or culture.